The Job Support Scheme Starts 1 November 2020

The Job Support Scheme (JSS) provides different types of support to businesses so they can get the assistance according to their situation. Businesses that are open but facing decreased demand can get support for wages through “JSS Open”. Those businesses that are...

The Importance of Scenario Planning for Your Business

With the current Covid restrictions putting many businesses at risk, planning for and analysis of different scenarios has never been so crucial for all businesses to ensure their future success – performing ‘what if’ scenarios can help business owners to better...

Coronavirus Local Lockdown Restrictions Support Grant (LRSG)

Published on 24 September 2020, the Local Restrictions Support Grant (LRSG) helps businesses that have been required to close due to temporary COVID-19 local lockdown restrictions imposed by the government. The LRSG supports businesses that were open as usual,...

Why Cash Flow Forecasting is Vital Post Lockdown

Now that businesses are starting to re-open, long-term cash flow forecasting is crucial to your business going forward to ensure you thrive and can weather any storm – cash flow is a powerful decision tool and is what will see you through the new ‘normal’. In today’s...

How Much is Your Business Worth?

There are four main methods for valuing a business. Whether you’re making exit plans or you want to give confidence to investors, knowing the value of your business is a vital step. From the inside, it might be hard to say what that value is. You’ve put long hours of...

Government Job Retention Bonus

The government is introducing a new Job Retention Bonus to provide additional support to employers who keep on their furloughed employees in meaningful employment, after the government’s Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme ends on 31 October 2020. The Job Retention Bonus...